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JULY 1967 

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OG VI-47 

The Composition of Galactic Cosmic Rays 

D. V. Reames and C. E. Fichtel 

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, U.S.A. 



Recent measurements of low-energy galactic cosmic rays obtained on 
sounding rockets and satellites exhibit a composition different from that 
obtained for intermediate and high-energy radiation obtained at balloon 
altitudes. In particular the ratio of light to medium nuclei is observed 
to be 0.2 to 0.3 in the 50 to 100 MeV/nucleon interval as compared with 
values near 0.5 in the 200 to 500 MeV/nucleon region. Lower values of 
the ratios C/0, N/0, F/0 and odd-Z /eve n-Z are also found. In the light 
of the:- •-! new measurements and of new measurements on the fragment tion 
cross sections for cosmic-ray nuclei in interstellar space, an attempt 
has been made to calculate the composition expected if similar source 
spectra are assumed. It is founa that neither passage through a fixed 
amount of material nor an equilibrium condition (exponential path length 
distribution) is adequate to explain the observed features. The effects 
of including other mechanisms such as rigidity-dependent escape from the 
galaxy and Fermi acceleration in interstellar space are evaluated. 

I Introduction 

Virtually all of the quantitative theories contrived to explain 
the energy-dependent composition of the galactic cosmic radiation 
involve the propagation o t the radiation through interstellar material. 

If this process occurs, at least two mechanisms must affect the cosmic- 
ray composition and energy spectra; these are fragmentation produced in 
nuclear reactions with the material (assumed to be mostly hydrogen) and 
ionization energy loss. Additional processes which might affect the energy 
dependence of the relative composition include Fermi- type, acceleration 
in collisions of the cosmic-ray nuclei with magnetic irregularities 

- 3 - 

on clouds and rigidity dependent loss from the galaxy. 

In this work we examine two extreme models of propagation process, 
that in which the amount of interstellar material through which the 
radiation propagates is constant, and the equilibrium model in which 
supply of particles is balanced by their loss through the various 
mechanisms mentioned above. These two models lead to delta-function 
and exponential probability distributions for the path length 
traversed , respectively. 

The present re-examination of cosmic-ray propagation is occasioned 
especially by the existence of new measurements on the fragmentation 
cross sections which are, in some instances, quite different than those 
previously assumed. 

The assumptions made about the cosmic-ray source are that the spectrum 
of all species emitted has the same shape and that the omitted fluxes of Li, 
Be and B are negligible relative to Oxygen. Other abundances have been 
treated as adjustable parameters. 

Our calculations propagate individual elements from He through 0 
and the charge groups 9 £ Z £ 19 and Z > 20. Having obtained the 
abundances of the individual species at earth as a function of energy/ 
nucleon we sum to find the energy-dependent ratio of Light ( 3 £ Z £ 5) 
to Medium (6 £ Z £ S) nuclei. We make the approximation that the 
charge to mass ratio of all species considered is %. 

II Theory 

The theory of energy-dependent propagation of cosmic-rays through 
interstellar space has been described recently by Fichtel and Reames (1966). 
The transport equation used in that work is 

( 1 ) 

- 4 - 

3 x I w i (E) Ji (E,X )1 +wi (E) j t (E,X)/A i (E)=Z_j k (E,X)/A ki (E) 


where (E,X) is the flux per unit energy /nucleon of i-type particles 
of energy/nucleon E after propagation through X g/cm 2 of material, 
and (E) = dE/dx for these particles. 

For the equilibrium case we begin with the equation of Ginzburg and 
Syrovatskii (1964) for the general energy-dependent number density of i-type 
cosmic rays which we write as 



( 2 ) 

l-i - A.( Di A Ni ) + ~L (b . Ni ) - j 

1 .} 3 



=Qi- N t /Ti + k> . N k /T ki 

Since we are concerned with the equilibrium case lN/At = 0. We also 
assume that there are no spatial variations or second order energy 
effects so that the second and fourth terms in (2) are zero. 

To write Eq (2) in terms of fluxes and convert t to x we let 
~ PNi, b- = dE/dt ~ pdE/dx = gw^E), and Aj_ ~ Bt^, since 
dx = ppcdt ~ pdt. With these substitutions Eq. (2) becomes 

(3) [w ± (E) Ji (E)] + Ji (E)/Ai (E) = Qi (E) + 2 (E)/A kl (E) 

It is easy to show that the solutions of Eq (1) and (3) are 
related by 

(4) J ± (E) = ji (E,X)dx 

and that 


Qi (E) - Ji (E,0) 


where the integral in Eq. (4) runs over all X for cons tant E. It is 
thus possible to obtain equilibrium solutions by integrating 
those obtained for differing amounts of material, i.e. over increasingly 
"older 11 spectra at constant energy. 

In addition to the ionization energy loss we have investigated 
the effect of including a small amount of Fermi acceleration (Fermi, 1949, 
1954). This acceleration has been included directly in the dE/dx 
term, i.e. 

= dE/dx (ionization) + aW 

^ =- ii- £(g) + OW 

M i 

where W is the total energy /nucleon. 

In Eq. (6) a has been chosen in the range 0 to 0.03 ctrf*/g. These 
values are several orders of magnitude smaller than that necessary to 
produce the observed slope of the particle spectra with this acceleration 
alone, and are more nearly in accord with values estimated from 
measurements on magnetic clouds in interstellar space. 

The final effect included is a rigidity-dependent escape from the 
galaxy using the equilibrium model. Actually an escape of this kind 
should be included as a boundary condition on Eq. (2), since it will, 
in general, couple energy and spatial dependences. Following the 
example of Cowsik et al. (1966), however, we have included this effect 
as a volume loss term A g = K/R, normalized to 3 g/cm 3 at 8 GV. 

Ill Fragmentation Cross Sections 

Our previous work (Fichtel and Reames 1966) did not account for a 


number of new measurements on the fragmentation of nuclei in proton 
reactions. Significant among these is the first measurement of the 
production of the stable isotopes Li e and Li 1 in proton reactions with 
C 12 and 0 16 (Bemas et al., 1965). Other data not included in older 
summaries have been measured for C 13 (p,x) Be 7 (Williams and Fulmer, 
1967), and for production of 0 16 , N 13 , C 11 and Be 7 in 0 16 (p,x) 
reactions (Albouy et al., 1962). Recent summaries of measurements 
have also been made (Bertini et al., 1966 and Bemas et al., 1967). 

From these measurements and from the theoretial work of Bertini 
et al and Bernas et al we have attempted to better estimate the 
fragmentation cross sections, the results for the production of Li 
and B from various species are shown in Fig. 1. 

It is interesting to note that the high-energy cross section for 
the production of stable Li isotopes from C 13 (p,x) reactions is 
almost a factor of two lower than that estimated previously 
(Badhwar et al., 1962). This result is not entirely surprising since 
the previous result was based on measurements from neutron bombardment, 
these being the only data available at that time. Differences in 
the results from p and n reactions on the same target leading to 
the same product are expected (Bernas et al., 1967). No violation 
in isotopic spin conservation need be involved to produce such 
d if ferences . 

Errors in the final Li abundance from errors in the cross sections 
probably do not exceed 25%. In the case of boron production. Fig. 1 
shows that most of the B results from fragmentation of carbon and in 
fact comes from the C 13 (p,pn) C 11 (P + v) B 11 reaction and decay. Since 
the more-poorly-known reactions contribute less to the total boron 
production, the error in the latter is probably also not more than 
20 to 30%. 


IV Results and Discussion 

The resultant L/M ratio calculated using the two different models 
and various mechamisms described are shown with the data in Fig. 2. 

Data are taken from the summary of Fichtel and Reames (1967). Clearly 
no striking agreement exists between the theory and the measurements. 

Most of the previous agreement has been destroyed by the use of 
the new cross-section measurements. The dominant cross sections are 
flat or rising with energy in the same energy region where the 
L/M ratio appears to be reaching a maximum and then decreasing with 

The inclusion of Fermi acceleration (or/0) generally affects the 
L/M ratio at low energies. Effects associated with the crossover from 
acceleration to deceleration (occurring at different E for different 
species) are too weak to be observed. 

Equilibrium spectra fail to explain the data unless a rigidity- 
dependent loss from the galaxy is assumed. We are somewhat reluctant 
to accept such a loss mechanism for a number of reasons. First, the 
L/M ratio predicted decreases at high energies in proportion to the 
loss term (eg. like K/R) , apparently no such effect is observed. 

Second, the high-energy spectrum emitted by the source must be flatter 
with energy for losses as strong as R” 1 ; if the observed spectrum goes 
as R~ 2 ’ 6 the source spectrum must go as R” 1 * 5 to account for a K/R loss. 
This means that the source must emit many orders of magnitude more 
energy in cosmic-rays than previously believed. 

In all the results plotted in Fig. 2 we have used a differential 
rigidity spectrum proportional to R~ 3 * 6 except in the case of the 
equilibrium spectrum with the K/R loss described above. Numerous 
other spectral shapes have been used in our calculations, but give equally 

poor agreement. 

- 8 - 

The general inadequacy of the present theories may arise from any 
of several sources: 1) Propagation through interstellar space may not 
be the dominant process for producing light nuclei and/or they may be 
emitted directly by the source, 2) The cross sections used here may 
not be appropriate, cross sections for processes other than p + C 12 
or p + 0 ife5 may dominate the production of light nuclei, 3) The observed 
features of the galaxy are considerably more complicated than expressed in 
either of the models considered here; the path length distribution 
might be a more complicated function of X and E. We tried to avoid 
treating the path length as totally phenominological parameter. 

In view of the poor agreement of the theories with the L/M data 
we do not present other ratios which have been calculated on this 
individual-element abundances obtained from the theories. 


G. Albouy, J. P. Cohen, M. Gusakow, N. Poffe, H. Sergolle and 
L. Valentin, Physics Letters 2 , 306 (1962). 

G. D. Badhwar, R. R. Daniel and B. Vijayalakshmi, Progr. Theoret. 
Phys. 30, 607 (1962). 

R. Bernas, M. Epherre, E. Gradsztajn, R. Klapisch and F. Yiou, 
Physics Letters ^5,, 147 (1965). 

R. Bernas, E. Gradsztajn, H. Reeves and E. Schatzman, Ann. of 
Phys. (to be published, 1967). 

H. w. Bertini, M. P. Guthrjej E. H. Pitkell and B. L. Bishop, Oak 
Ridge National Laboratory Report 0RNL-3884 (1966). 

R. Cowsik, Yash Pal, S. N. Tandon and R. P. Verma, Tata Institute 
of Fundamental Research report N.E. 66-18 (1966). 

E. Fermi, Phys. Rev. 7_5, 1169 (1949). 

E. Fermi, Astrophys. J. 119 , 1 (1954). 

C. E. Fichtel and D. V. Reames, Phys. Rev. 149 , 995 (1966). 

C. E. Fichtel and D. 'V. Reames, Phys. Rev. (to be published, 1967). 

V. L. Ginzburg and S. I. Syrova tskii. The Origin of Cosmic Rays 
(MacMillan Co., New York, 1964). 

I. R. Williams and C. B. Fulmer, Phys. Rev. 154 . 1005 (1967) 


cr (mb) 


Figure 1 


Figure 2